The secret to your success will be achieved when you make your customers the hero of your story.

The secret to your success will be achieved when you make your customers the hero of your story.

Is your business warehouse growing with inventory but struggling to sell your products? Do you think that the customers are not aware of your products? Are you afraid that the intermediaries can disrupt your supply chain?

Here’s your chance to get better control of not only the supply chain of your products, but also, manage your customer relationships, and build your brand image.

With Treno Tech’s D2C business marketing, you can directly reach customers and sell your products. You need not depend on intermediaries and establish direct communication with your customers. D2C stands for direct to customers and we can help you implement it across different channels for your business ranging from your website, your mobile application, to your forte of doing sales through cold calling.

Manufacturer < Advertising/Website < Consumers

The middle is where the Treno Tech marketing team works to help your brand get the image and visibility that it deserves.


If you are starting a business from scratch or want to expand your already existing large-scale business, you have to work on your stream of potential customers. Your customers should know about your products daily and their needs should align with what you offer. That’s how they’ll make up their mind to invest in your products.

How can you do it ?

You need a solid strategy and win over the hard part of letting your products be visible to your customers.

Researching And Personalization

We work to help your brand thrive and we believe that it is not possible until you let the creativity and customizations flow. It is deeper than it seems. So, we begin with finding your niche and identifying the issues that customers tend to face. We work on the issues so that the visibility is higher which is followed by queries and sales.

Social Media Presence

Your customers are growing. Quite literally!

The focus should not be on a single chunk of customers. A hypermetropic vision is needed. We develop the same and also, ensure to add the Gen Z target audience through our strong and convincing presence on social media platforms. You should know that 68% of Gen Z have ordered products directly. You can add another 58% of millennials to it!

Reliability is the key to wooing your new customers and your social media presence has a major role to play in it.

SEO, Content, Visuals, And Graphics

Your website will have traffic only if you are a part of the customer’s search results. SEO will help you gain the recognition that you deserve and our SEO team will help you achieve the same. Our team works on your brand visibility by working on Adwords, followed by other steps like adding great and engaging content and infographics for different customers. We work based on what’s trendy!

Assistance In Decision-Making

We believe in revolving our strategies around data for that’s the heart that lets your business beat at higher levels. Our team works on getting insights related to customer behavior, patterns, purchases, searches, and much more. We build understanding so that we can develop marketing campaigns that strike the right chord.

Selling With The Right Message

The establishment of a meaningful customer relationship builds by laying the right foundation and sending the right message. The message is not only the one with which the audience resonates but also, has emotions, and skills that help your brand build its image that is different from that of its competitors.

Influencer And Affiliate Marketing

That’s another powerful tool to let your business grow through the ones that trend on different portals. We help you get in touch with the right kind of marketers that generate programs followed by customer queries and doubts.

40% Of The Manufacturers In The Us Are Directly Selling To The Customers. You Can Too!

Gain The Ultimate Access To Data For 2x Better Customization

When you know your customer insights, you gain better control of your business dealings. Here’s how getting data control can help you.

  • Better pricing control leading to higher gross margins.
  • Let the world know your story.
  • Gain more control over your product packaging requirements.
  • You can enjoy better agility for developing and testing new products, branding, and strategies.
  • The data can help you choose a higher degree of customization.

40% Of The Manufacturers In The Us Are Directly Selling To The Customers. You Can Too!

Learning to do it from the OGs of D2C marketing. Nike’s D2C sales program amid the Black Friday sale helped it witness a rise in digital sales by 84%. L’Oreal’s Color and Co. is a D2C offering that offered personalized solutions to customers. The online consultations to customizations, there are many things that the customers loved about it. A furniture company in France wanted the best customer experience and hence, they converted 240 hotels into their private showrooms.

So, the trick is genius and we are here with our knowledge and expertise to help you develop the ultimate funnel to reach directly to your customers.

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